Org mode is a markup language built with minimal resources around plain text, so it is as easy to adopt as markdown. In fact, Org mode is even easier because it does not have different implementations (flavours) that require a specific text editor where that particular flavour is fully implemented, as is the case with markdown. There is just one full-featured Org mode fully implemented in its single editor – Emacs.
Continue reading “Emacs as Word Processor: Org mode”Emacs as Word Processor: Selection
Before copying or cutting, the normal thing to do is to select a region for it. Here are some of the relevant commands and configuration options.
Continue reading “Emacs as Word Processor: Selection”Emacs as Word Processor: Copy and Paste
A word processor is distinct from an editor. Editors are for coders. Word processors are for (prose) writers. In either case, plain text is best and formatting is to be kept to a bare minimum, so that e.g. copy and paste across programs would work as expected.
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