Emacs: Copy this line

Emacs tends to mark from point (cursor) towards either end of the element. If you want a function that marks or copies the entire element from beginning to end, you often have to build them yourself.

Here is a function to copy the current line. It is most appropriate for prose — the function copies only the text. It does not copy the final newline and it disregards the leading and trailing spaces on the line.

(defun copy-this-line (&optional N)
  "Copy current line from first letter to last, i.e. without leading
or trailing whitespace. With a numerical argument, copy another line
as per relative line numbering."
  (interactive "P")
    (if (equal N nil)
           (forward-line (prefix-numeric-value N))

With an explicit numerical argument 1, the function copies one line below (towards the end of the document). With a negative argument, the function copies a line before the current line.

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