Emacs: Return bookmark name based on current buffer filename

Sometimes questions arise: Is the current buffer bookmarked? If yes, what is the name of the bookmark? This is useful to know when bookmarking the same file again at a new cursor position with the same bookmark name.

The following function returns the name of the bookmark, if the current buffer, which must be a file, is bookmarked. Otherwise nil.

(defun bookmarked-p ()
    "Return bookmark name, if current buffer's file is bookmarked."
    (require 'bookmark)    
    (setq bookm-ass nil)
    (when (and (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))
               (member (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))) 
                       (mapcar 'bookmark-get-filename
      (let ((current-buf (abbreviate-file-name
                          (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
        (dolist (bookm-name (bookmark-all-names))
          (setq bookm-ass
                (add-to-list 'bookm-ass (cons
                                           (bookmark-get-filename bookm-name) bookm-name))))
        (cdr (assoc current-buf bookm-ass)))))

The function above can be used for interactive rebookmarking:

    (defun bookmarked-p-rebookmark ()
      "If `bookmarked-p' returns a bookmark name, `bookmark-set' that name."
      (if (bookmarked-p)
        (let ((current-bmname (bookmarked-p)))
          (bookmark-set current-bmname)
          (message "Current location is bookmarked to `%s'" current-bmname))
        (if (not (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
            (message "Current buffer is not associated with a file")
          (message "Current buffer is not bookmarked"))))

Also: Save place mode

As an alternative to rebookmarking, Emacs has a save-place-mode that tracks current locations in buffers where activated. It can be activated globally with (save-place-mode 1) in the config and the result is similar to desktop-save-mode which opens up latest locations in earlier visited buffers.

If I were to use save-place-mode (which I don’t), I’d do so judiciously for some file types. For example:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'save-place-local-mode)

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